Sketch drawing, The Sacrifice in the Abrahamic Religions

For Example Mithras, Part II

The Works

The works by Farangis which you see on this site make up the second part of her series of works dealing with the symbolism of the Mithras cult. While the first part of this series puts an emphasis on the Roman Mithras cult, the second part tends to a freer interpretation and it relates to the Persian origins of the cult.

Tracing back the meanings of single symbolical items of the cult, you can find that what later lent itself to narrower interpretations, originally based on sources which possessed quite different religious and mythological contents. The symbolic language of the early Mithras cult can be understood in different terms, because of its roots tracing back to pre-Zoroastrian times, whereas the late Mithras cult of the Roman empire can seen in more fixed historical terms.

The second part of the Mithras series by Farangis closes with the contextualization of the questions pertaining to the sacrifice in the Mithras cult and comparatively the Abrahamic religions.

The explanations of the works of the second workcycle:

  1. Exposition to The Suncircle
  2. Exposition to The Wind
  3. Exposition to The Slaying of the Bull
  4. Exposition to The Sacrifice in the abrahamic religions


  • See the first part of the Mithras Werkzyklus Zum Beispiel Mithras, Part I, on:

On Mithraism

Large view of the paintings